some in the wrong direction

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some in the wrong direction


Dimensions: 5” x 8” x .25”

printed on recycled paper

This project began when I was a teenager and first encountered the poem Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front by Wendell Berry. I tried to commit it to memory at the time, but was confronted by my own difficulty with memorization and set the project aside.

Many years later, I was reminded of Wendell Berry's writing while immersed in the expanse of stars and wildlife at the Jentel Foundation. I decided to revive the project, this time typing out the poem each morning, adding a line or two as I was able, until I could finally write the whole thing from memory.

This book is a document of my process.

I found myself experiencing the poem itself differently than when I was younger, and at the end of the book is a personal essay exploring the ways that my relationship to the poem has shifted over nearly two decades.

It's a meditation on selective memory, the ongoing relevance of Mr. Berry's vision, and the ways things change with time.

Each one is signed and numbered.

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